LPOA History
1928 - A Group of Sheriffs, Police Chiefs, and other law enforcement officers from Louisiana met in Shreveport to unite in requesting the State to organize, maintain, and operate a state bureau of criminal identification. At the time they agreed to form an association to pursue these objectives, and elected Shreveport Police Chief S.J. Allen as the first president of the LPOA. Shortly thereafter, legislation was enacted creating the LA Bureau of Identification(B of I) in our state.
1930 - The newly organized B of I and the Louisiana Highway patrol were merged to form what is now known as the Louisiana State Police.
1946 - The LPOA meeting in Alexandria passed resolutions urging the Legislature to adopt a statewide driver's license law to correct the legal driving age from parish to parish, and to implement juvenile court systems in all parishes.
1952 - Consultations with LSU in Baton Rouge were started to develop a law enforcement program. These meetings resulted in several "In Service Programs".
1956 - House Bill 266 was approved. On July 9, 1956 Governor Earl K. Long signed Act 323 which was the begining of the State Supplemental Salaries for Municiapl Police Officers.
1963 - Through LPOA efforts in the Legislature, the LSU Law Enforcement Institute was formed.
1964 - LPOA working with MPOA was successful in adoption of a minimum salary of $300 per month for Municipal Officers.